Tuesday, December 13, 2011

[Working Title]

Zdravstvuyte! (Hello in Russian!)

I just got bored saying "hi!" to an audience that doesn't audibly hear me, so I wanted to mix it up. Anyway, I've been working for a few weeks on a song! As I've been doing more and more research on worship music, what it means, and its significance, I've found that writing worship songs can (and sometimes should) be a significant part of a worship leader's responsibility. This is important because as a leader, you are serving those specific people whom you are leading, and so in my situation as a college student with the privilege of leading other college students in worship, I have a different perspective from people Chris Tomlin or Joel Houston. I absolutely love singing the songs that they've written, and there is so much Truth out there in the contemporary Christian music scene, and its cool to have the opportunity to contribute a little bit to that. And sure I might not be as talented as them and I'm fine with that. But heck, I won't know until I try, right? I've decided to share with the blogosphere some of the lyrics I've written, and I would love to hear back from people and get your thoughts/opinions! Also, please don't like steal them and claim them as your own or anything. That would be really lame.

"Why should I believe that I know better than
You, El-Shaddai, Adonai, the Beginning and End?
God You reign most high, eternal You live.
And yet I still deny the wisdom you give

Humble me, take my pride
You are Lord, the Lamb who died
Counselor, King of mine
Change me

Change my heart to be like You
Give me words to speak the truth
I am nothing, Lord it's You
And Your will

Lord, still I try to prove that I know better than you
To You I cry, arms are high, fill me with the Truth
God please take my life, I surrender all
Though I trip, stumble by, You will NEVER FALL

Humble me, take my pride
You are Lord, the Lamb who died
Counselor, King of mine
Change me

Change my heart to be like You
Give me words to speak the truth
I am nothing, Lord it's You
And Your will"

So that's a rough idea of what I've got so far! I'm planning on working on it more over Christmas break (which is in like 4 days!), and hopefully there will be something more concrete by then. The idea behind the song though comes from some of my own struggles with pride, and trying to determine my own future, when truly it is in His hands. If you're a college student too, you probably have had gone through some of the same things at some point. But to wrap it up, here's what I've got so far, and like I said before, I'd love some (constructive) thoughts/opinions in the comment box below!

Thanks and God bless.

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