Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An Organization Making a Difference

Forward: If you're reading this blog and you don't know me, I'm studying architecture. Also in case you don't know me, I'm a Christian. These two huge aspects about my life I think will explain why I think this is so ridiculously cool.

"Architecture for Humanity is a nonprofit design services firm founded in 1999. We are building a more sustainable future through the power of professional design" 

Says the first line of their about page on their website, www.archtiectureforhumanity.org. This organization essentially does long-term relief work for places in need through volunteer work and skills in architecture/engineering. HOW COOL IS THAT?? They've done projects in places like Haiti and New Orleans, and areas like Uganda and Kenya. What I think is great about his organization is that they use the skills of people who will do the job, and do it well. Architects and engineers don't their jobs halfway, it's just not in our blood! Perfection is a necessity, and anything short of that is unacceptable. This is perfect for situations like this where these structures can literally change communities for the better for years.

They did this project in Haiti with Ben Stiller. Yes, THE Ben Stiller. Pictures 32 & 34

This is an organization that I would love to get involved with in some capacity in my lifetime. My British ARCH 231 professor, Mark Taylor, is involved with them and has given us mini-presentations about the organization throughout the semester. What I really like about the organization is that they not only work on the big disaster relief "hotspots" like Haiti and Japan, but recognize that there is a tremendous need all over the world, even in our own backyard. Here's a small project the Chicago chapter of AFH is working on: http://architectureforhumanity.org/node/1147. It's really sweet to see how the small efforts of so many people throughout our nation can truly make a global impact. I'm really excited to see how the Lord can use me and my passions in the future for His glory!

“To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with Him.” — John Piper

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome!!! Here is a link to that other organization I was telling you about.

