Monday, November 21, 2011

Some Thoughts on Worship Music

Hola amigos and amigas!!

Wow has school been busy. Currently I'm on Thanksgiving break and still have 2 final projects, a 10 page research paper, 2 speech assignments, and a sketchbook assignment to do. So, like, that's been fun. Anyway I'm in the middle of writing the research paper (which is about how the work of architect Walter Gropius helped in the development of the modernist style. Exciting, I know!!), and I had to take a break, and blogging sounded great to me!

Also, I recently found my iPod after losing it for about 3 weeks, so I've been playing it nonstop since. In the past couple years, I've been listening to worship music a lot more often than I used to (top 2 most played worship songs on my iPod probably being Hillsong and Elevation Worship). Anyway, there are a lot of reasons I choose to listen to songs like this. I still listen to secular music, actually quite a lot of it, which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing. But the point here is worship music. Worship music. Worship music. Man, I need to stop my habit of rambling. I'll just get off topic and keep talking about it and go on and on and on...

Credit: Luke-rative via Flickr

So, here's a few things about worship music that I think are awesome:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I've Been Up To

Hey people on the internet!

Okay, so it's been a while since my last post, and I know that you've all been uncomfortably bored, anxiously awaiting my next stream of consciousness. Well then here it is! Yet another probably boring exciting look into who I am and what I do!

I've been really busy working on this one project in particular that isn't quite done yet, but the part that took forever finally is. In my ARCH 231 class, we had to model one of 3 buildings, the same three that we've been working with all semester. BUT, for my section, my professor offered up the option to work with him to help develop a project for a small maternity center in Haiti. I thought that doing this could be a much better use of my time than the other buildings, so I volunteered. It's a small structure with really only 2 main rooms, but here's the model we made:
Check out the little dude over on the right side.

There he is again.

Can't get rid of this guy...

Anyway I'm just really glad I had the opportunity to do some indirect work for this organization I conveniently just wrote about. The next step is to make a model in Google SketchUp, which currently looks like this:

Hey look, he has arms now! And clothes!

Keep checking back for new posts soon!