Hey, long time no see! It's been a while since I've last posted, I've basically moved in to the studio for the past 2 weeks, and had no life outside of that. But, it's what I signed up for, so I can't really complain! Anyway, thought I'd update you all on what I've been doing there!
We were given a project 2 weeks ago, which called for us to design a pavilion. For those of you who aren't in the architecture world, and therefore don't hear all of the often made-up vocabulary we throw around (like "horizontality"? In fact, not a word.), a pavilion is basically architecture-speak for "no actual purpose or function, other than to be a good little building, stand there, and look pretty". This seems like a great thing for a designer (no limitations, woohoo!), but in fact, this makes designing something incredibly difficult. So then what we did was, well, interesting.